Protocols for Operating During COVID-19
(last updated June 24, 2021)
To enable the limited reopening the Executive of Kingcrafts has developed General Operating Protocols. This memo provides additional protocols specific to the JEWELLERY group.
All members must sign in and out manually in the Attendance Log Book which is provided, including full name, date, time in and out, and contact information as indicated in the Log Book
The first person in will open Jewellery’s cabinet and sanitize the handle and key.
All members will sit at workstations as per Kingcrafts’ General Protocol.
Maintain physical distancing (6 feet minimum) of members at the studio.
Members will wear a mask while working and moving around in the building.
Kitchen facilities are off limits until further notice.
Jewellery Tools
Members are to bring and use their own tools as much as possible.
Tools taken from Jewellery’s cabinet are to be sanitized before and after use.
If a sink is required for water the taps and any surrounding area used are to be sanitized after use.
Cleaning Before Leaving
Your workstation tabletop is to be cleaned using the general studio cleaning materials provided by Kingcrafts before you leave.
Sanitize all equipment used from Jewellery’s cabinet.
Sanitize the door lock and key from Jewellery’s cabinet.
Take all personal garbage with you when leaving.